Welcome to Liberty Baptist Church of Monroe, Wisconsin’s website.  Liberty Baptist is an independent,  fundamental Baptist church. Liberty Baptist is focused on the true worship of Jesus Christ through His Word, the Bible. Expository preaching is done in every service. We wish to invite you to our services.


LISTEN TO OUR SERVICES ANYWHERE VIA CELL PHONE!                     SIMPLY CALL 480.660.5312, then dial 374157 when prompted by the virtual operator. You will be connected to our live services. Call during our service times: On the Lord’s Day: 9:30 a.m., 10:30 a.m., and 1 p.m. Join us for prayer on Tuesday nights at 6 p.m.                                                                                          ************************************************************************

By independent we mean that we are an autonomous (self-governing) church. Fundamental means that we rely on the Bible alone for our faith and practice. And by Baptist we mean that we hold to the seven distinctives that identify true Baptists: B-the Bible alone is our guide for faith and practice; A-autonomy of the local church; P-priesthood of the believer; T-three ordinances; I-individual soul liberty; S-saved membership; T-two offices, elder and deacon.

We hope you’ll visit both our church and this website often. Our service times are as follows:

Sunday School 9:30 am

Sunday Morning  10:30 am

Sunday Fellowship Dinner (free!) 12 noon

Sunday Afternoon Service 1 pm

Tuesday Prayer  6 pm

Our address: 821 13th Avenue, Monroe, Wisconsin, 53566

Phone: 608.328.2309




While you are spending time on your computer, why not listen to a sermon from our sermon audio page?  You can do two things at once, and get a blessing besides. The word “blessing” means “to be completely happy.” Happiness comes from God, and He gives it to those who are living in a right relationship to Him. Being right with God is impossible unless we read, hear and obey His Word. So go ahead and listen to an expository message from the Word on our sermon audio page.  Chances are that you will gain something from the wisdom of God’s word. And may God bless you richly.